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15015  向主歌唱 (第6冊) Sing to the Lord  (中台英)

15015 向主歌唱 (第6冊) Sing to the Lord (中台英)

Glory Music 榮光傳道會

  • $ 8.95

作者: 高 蔡 慧 君 譯 

出版社: 榮 光 出 版 社 


1.快樂歌  Sing A Happy Song (Ken Cooper)

2. 奇妙的應許  Every Child's A Promise (Lloyd and Marci Larson)

3. 讚美主  Laudate (Patrick M. Liebergen)

4. 哈利路亞  Alleluia Round (Will Boyce)

5. 萬福泉源  Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Arr. by F. L. Ritter)

6. 夏日的驟雨  As Torrents In Summer (Edward Elgar)

7. 同受邀請 同蒙恩  Invited One and All (Virginia K. Barteluk)











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