31184 深谷裏的微聲--勵志禱文集(3)(中英對照)/Whispers from the Ravine: Prayers of Encouragement (Volume 3)
31183 深谷裏的迴響--勵志禱文集(中英對照)(附光碟)/Echoes from the Ravine: Prayers of Encouragement
30538 - 天上法庭地土罪孽處理禱告手冊(預購品)
7633 父親的禱告大有功效 Prayers That Avail Much For Fathers
30004 -- 禱告:變成主的形狀--福音神學禱告法
29961 -- 詩班靈修
29939 - 大能的禱告生活/Simple Prayers for a Powerful Life
27148 施恩座前 - 禱告縱橫談
23662 如何為弟兄禱告 Praying for the Men in Your Life
28861 眾聖頌禱
9386 怎樣做個成熟的禱告人 The Prayer Experiment
28353 禱告的黃金法則 Practising the Principles of Prayer
5008 代禱的服事 The Ministry of Intercession
15087 為未生的孩子禱告 Praying For Your Unborn Children
8017 詩篇心禱: 用最真實的自己面對上帝 - 從詩篇學禱告的12堂課 Psalms: Prayers of the Heart (A Life Guide Bible Study)(預購品)
8000 一分鐘禱告 - 給蒙神醫治的你 One-Minute Prayers for Those Who Hurt
28622 禱告手冊.更新版 (全恩事奉中心) (預購品)
29897 禱告時光 - 精選1耶穌愛你.我也愛你(預購品)
29887 認識主禱文的7堂課 - 與賴特一起學禱告 The Lord And His Prayer
20054 單身貴族禱告樂(預購品)