10066 牧師和尚辯論集
10142 混沌初開 - 從科學觀點論創造 The Creator and the Cosmos
11234 非Q版信仰 - 護教與福音
13485 耶穌研討會的真相 The Facts on FalseViews of Jesus - The Truth Behind the Jesus Seminar
15160 護教篇 (歷代基督教思想學術文庫) Apologeticus
15723 如果沒有耶穌 What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?
15724 如果沒有聖經 (真理衛道叢書 9) What If The Bible Had Never Been Written? (預購品)
16274 疑團自釋 Judge For Yourself
16621 靈命關鍵24問 (真理衛道叢書 7) Letters From A Mountain Valley
1754 誰說的 Who Says?
1759 聖靈洗 Holy Spirit Baptism
1760 大背道
1761 針鋒相對 The Controversy: Roots of the Creation - Evolution Conflict
1764 新紀元答客問 (續篇)
18300 研論基督教近代辯道學基要 A Commentary On The Fundamentals of Recent Christian Apologetics
18487 真理的呼聲 Ring of truth
18682 是誰輸了這場官司 - 還原進化論的真相 Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
18824 鮮為人知的人化石 (護教系列1) Behind the Scene about Human Fossils
18825 鮮為人知的化石層 (護教系列2) Behind the Scene about The Geologic Column
18826 鮮為人知的達爾文 (護教系列3) Behind the Scene about Charles Darwin - The Faith Journey of Charles Darwin